Fireball on January 6th 2017
On January 6th 2017, the Epiphany Day, at 19:15 local time (18:15 UT) a fireball was detected form the Observatorio de Sierra Nevada (IAA-CSIC).
List of publications performed with data obtained from the Observatorio de Sierra Nevada.
Measurements in and out dome obtained in the seeing characterization campaigns.
Astronomical data archive.
Thesis carried out with data collected from the Observatorio de Sierra Nevada and from old Observatorio del Mojón del Trigo.
List of meteors and fireballs detected with the Observatorio de Sierra Nevada fireball detection station which is part of the SMART project.
Application deadlines for observing time and proposals and forms.
Time Allocation Committe (TAC) members.
Timeline for both telescopes.
Tools for preparing the observation: Staralt programme for knowing the visibility of objects, list of standard stars, on-line surveys..
Director's Discretionary Time application.
Current weather at OSN.
Webcam situated in the main building pointing to southeast.
Weather station SNOWS (Sierra Nevada Observatory Weather Station). Only IAA Network.
Current weather at the Calar Alto Observatory (Almería).
Link to METEOSAT satellite images of the web Agencia Estatal de Meteorología.
Weather archive of OSN.
With this webcam is possible to see practically all night sky. It is located on the roof of the main building between both domes. It is only operated when it gets dark.
Images of the several webcams located in different points of the ski resort.
Current weather of the IRAM 30m radio telescope (Sierra Nevada, Granada).
Link to the METEOSAT satellite images of the web EUTMESAT.
A brief introduction about the OSN.
Guided visits to the observatory for the general public in the months of summer.
The OSN activities are summarized in the annual reports.
List of personnel assigned to the OSN as well as IAA - CSIC technical personnel who provide support to OSN.
History of the observatory since its foundation.
Access to restricted information for personnel assigned to OSN through its intranet.
Parque Natural de Sierra Nevada
Granada, Spain
Longitude: W 03º 23´ 05"
Latitude: N 37º 03´ 51"
Altitude: 2896 m
Address: Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n, 18008 Granada, Spain
Tel: (+34) 958 12 13 11
Fax: (+34) 958 814 530
E-mail: contact-osn [at] iaa.es